The world’s first fairtrade certified supplements

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ORGANIC INDIA is committed to:
Made from whole herbs to extract the greatest synergistic benefits
Formulated for True Wellness to support body, mind, & spirit
Organic India is a Fair Trade partner with over 2,232 farmers in 121 villages across India
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of social and environmental impact
Explore Our Herbs
ORGANIC INDIA products are made from a carefully curated selection of herbs cultivated by our organic farmer partners in India. All ORGANIC INDIA herbs are grown using traditional methods and regenerative, organic practices to maximize efficacy. Learn about each herb’s characteristics and the associated traditional Ayurvedic lore by exploring our herb pages.
Healthy Conscious Living
Healthy Conscious Living includes conscious business practices to ensure our impact on our world and communities is a positive one. At the foundation of ORGANIC INDIA’s products, company, and sourcing is regenerative agriculture that not only sustains but replenishes the earth; fair trade practices that support and honor farmer partners with equitable wages, health care, and ongoing organic agricultural training; and a LEED Platinum certified production facility that is a marvel of top-tier sustainable design, construction, and operations. This all culminates in the creation of Organic, Non-GMO herbal teas and supplements that support the health of the population, the vibrancy of the planet, and the livelihood of communities in India.
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